
The Nashville Pipes and Drums has been Middle Tennessee’s premier bagpipe band since 1984. Our mission is to preserve and grow the musical tradition of the Great Highland Bagpipe and Scottish drumming in Nashville and we draw on the rich cultural heritage of Scotland’s national instrument and Scottish military pipe bands. Some of our members are inspired by ancestral or family connections to Scotland, others to Scottish history – some of us just love the music! We are passionate about fostering interest in this tradition, and provide a program of free lessons for anyone interested in learning to play the bagpipes or Scottish-style drumming. Our classes are taught by volunteer instructors from our band, who represent some of the best players in our region.


Our band is committed to high musical standards, whether playing at a ceremony, parade, or on the competition field. To maintain this standard, we field Grade III and Grade V bands at highland games and competitions throughout the Southern region of the EUSPBA. Competition bands represent the highest quality and professionalism in Scottish music, and we feel the work that goes into competition shows in our other performances as well. That musical standard has also been on display at local performances with the Nashville Symphony, Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, The Chieftains, and many others.


The Nashville Pipes and Drums has been an integral part of Nashville for over 30 years. We can be seen at many civic events around town, at memorials as well as celebrations. We have worked with emergency services organizations, both local and national, to honor those that gave their lives in service to our city and nation. We have performed at a number of churches in the area, and can be heard at college and high school graduations. We are proud of our place in Nashville, and are honored to give back to our community as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  The band wears the Robertson (Ancient Hunting) tartan, in honor of James Robertson, a founder of the City of Nashville.